Dec, 2017
The Importance of Stretching
Many people are in the habit of ignoring stretching as part of their workouts or exercise. It may be as a result of lack of knowledge on “the importance of stretching” before, during or after a workout, Pilates or yoga class. They jump into exercise without adequate stretching and after the exercise; they don’t bother to stretch their tightened muscles. Many at times, this has resulted in muscles pain, tightness, and can even have adverse effect on their overall performance.
The importance of stretching cannot be overemphasized in keeping the muscles strong, flexible and healthy. This flexibility is required to maintain various motions in the joints and tissues.
Many studies have shown that regular stretching before and after exercise boosts power, increases speed, and minimizes injury. The reason one needs to stretch at this time is that muscles are pliable and warm especially during or after exercising.
During workouts, the body undergoes different tears in the ligaments and tendons; thereby leading to bone fractures and muscle strains. However, stretching has been studied to do just the opposite and improve your efficiency.
This article has been put together to enlighten our readers on the importance of stretching for athletes, sportsmen, and everybody involved in the various forms of exercise. But before we proceed let’s quickly look at what is meant by the word “stretching“.
What is Stretching?
Stretching can be described as the process of subjecting particular body parts to a condition in which the parts are elongated or lengthened; so the muscles tissues are softened for better performance. The two main types of stretching are static stretches and dynamic stretches. Consistent stretching makes muscles lean, long, and flexible. This is the optimal state for muscles that experience repeated exertion during exercise.
Some of the tissues that are involved in stretching process are ligaments, tendons, scar, fascia and skin tissue. Healthy muscles help protect the body in balancing-related issues to prevent falls and injuries.
Importance of Stretching
Stretching is as important as your daily exercise. Whether you want to break a sweat every day or you are just easing into fitness training, regular stretching is a healthy activity that benefits the body in many ways. Here are the top reasons you need to make stretching as part of your exercise:
- It promotes better balance
Your muscles are subjected to many activities such as workouts, taking the groceries home, taking out the trash, climbing stairs, running to catch the bus or regular use of a heavy backpack. Not all activities we do in a day build muscles equally on the right or left sides. Carrying a purse, swinging a hammer or favouring a bad leg are all prime examples of this. The body becomes unbalanced when muscles one one side are tighter than the other and can lead to injury. Stretching is capable of relieving muscle tightness and enhances a better balance of your body. It promotes muscle balance around the joints and increases body flexibility.
- It enhances better blood flow, confidence, and good posture
Many studies confirm that stretching not only enhances better blood flow, confidence, and good posture but also results in fewer aches, pains and promotes a stronger appearance. These benefits have been linked to increased healthy blood flow and a free flow of oxygen to your brain during stretching. However, stretching is often neglected due to these hidden benefits compared to other exercises. Now, you know!
- It relieves tensions
During and after workouts, weight lifting, and other forms of exercise, your muscles tend to shorten, get tightened and tensed. This is where stretching comes in place, to reverse this process and relieve the tension on your muscles and tissues. It is recommended to stretch your muscles after your exercise to relieve muscle tension.
- Excellent for gluteal muscles
If you are not an athlete or involved in any form of exercise, your body still needs to stretch. There is a group of muscles called gluteal muscles (gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus) that make up your buttocks. Do you know that sitting all day at work is tough and has an effect on your gluteal muscles and as well as your overall body?
Research has shown that sitting for longer hours shuts down the nerves that stimulate your gluteus in a very short period. Now, if your work requires you to sit all day, your gluteal muscles start an atrophy process, meaning that they start degenerating. This would affect not only the buttock but also over-stresses other joints and muscles in your body. This results in knee and lower back pains. This will help with balance as this is one of the main functions of the gluteus.
The good news is that there is a solution to these problems. Stretching is the answer. Regular stretching of your gluteal muscles keeps them active, healthy and reduces possible pains and injuries associated with tight gluteal muscles.
- Helps solve problems associated thoracic spine
The thoracic spine is situated in the middle part of the back and it becomes tight from sitting, driving, or staying in one position every day. Someone who drives for a living or works at a desk is a prime candidate. A tight thoracic spine can result in many health issues such as tight shoulders, neck, and chest or pain throughout the skeletal chain. Daily stretching relaxes tightened thoracic spine to solve these issues.
- Improves overall body flexibility
Regular stretching has been found to aid body flexibility and range of motion. It improves your body movement freedom and promotes full body mobility. This helps athletes against injury and pain during a performance and non athletes to be able to perform everyday tasks without pulling a muscle or feeling sore.
The importance of stretching is more than what most people give it. Generally, people believe only in exercise to get their body fit. However, exercise without stretching is incomplete and may deny you the many benefits of exercising your body.
Stretching sessions can only take you about 10 to 15 minutes, but its advantages cannot be exaggerated in increasing your workout efficiency and adding value to your overall performance. Also, if your profession requires continuous sitting or staying in one position for an extended period of time, stretching should be taken seriously for optimal performance at work and to keep your posture healthy.
Try to incorporate and harmonize stretching with your daily activities to suit your needs. Thinking that your schedule is tight all day will not help the matter. Always have it in mind that your body needs stretching to keep you going. You only need to discipline yourself, and you will get used to it. Make it part of your routine in the morning after getting out of bed and again before you get back in bed for the night. Your body does most of its healing and rejuvenation while sleeping, so why not help optimize that function with a 10 to 15 minute stretch? In an upcoming article, different forms of stretching will be discussed to enlighten you more on stretching. Stay tuned to this page!
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