Jan, 2018
Resolutions for 2018
New Year Resolutions to Start Losing Weight and Getting in Shape
It’s a New Year again and you’ve got your resolutions intact, and this time, your focus is losing weight and getting in shape right? Actually, the New Year ushers in a wave of enthusiastic fitness goals, as many people have one or two New Year resolutions to lose weight and get in shape.
But our fitness goals might not be easily attainable with the many responsibilities tugging at us for attention. The burning desire to accomplish our New Year resolutions diminishes along the line when the results we expect to achieve are not forthcoming. That’s not what you actually expected but you may want to settle for it because there is nothing you can do about it right? That shouldn’t be the case; you can achieve your fitness goals in the New Year by having a workable plan from the onset. Only then can you maximize the opportunity to enhance your fitness and increase your productivity. This also applies to every other thing you do in the New Year. Plan, set goals but make sure your goals are tangible and realistic, so you don’t burn yourself out with frustration.
So, if you really want to achieve your New Year resolutions of losing weight and keeping fit generally, here are a few tips to help you.
Get Started Now
This is a New Year, and the earlier you get your fitness groove on, the better the results you get at the end of the year. If you want to lose weight, start now. If you’re going to build muscles, start now. The hardest part of working out is getting to start, but it is understandable that we feel jittery at first. Take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals by starting today. If you’re still wondering where to start from, here are some recommended programs for you:
- Starting on Weight Loss for Life: This is for beginners that are just about to start a fitness regime, this program will guide you on how to shred excess fat and lose weight.
- The 300 Body: This program is for men who want to build their muscles; It involves a lot of weight lifting routines.
- W.O.W (Women on Weights): This is for the women; it will help direct them on the perfect path on weight training.
- HIIT IT Hard: If you really want to burn fat like crazy, this program is for you. It is a High Intensity Interval Training guide. This program exposes you to the rudiments of burning fat via High Intensity Training. However, one has to be working out already and have some base of strength to begin this program.
Pick any of these programs synonymous with your fitness goals and get started on your route to fitness. Make the New Year a better one for your fitness goals by starting today.
Set Realistic Goals
When setting goals, make sure they correspond to the intensity of your workouts. If your goals are higher, failure to see results quickly may lead you to quit working out altogether. Remember that life is not static, and the kind of energy you have at the beginning might be lacking as you move forward. Set goals that are achievable within realistic timeframes. It might be slow, but it’s better than not moving at all.
Good Nutrition
Good nutrition combined with a great workout plan is essential to helping you lose well and getting in shape. If the quality of food you eat is low, you may never see any improvements in your quest to lose weight despite how good your workout plan is. How do you lose weight if you binge on junky, high-carb, processed foods? It takes a perfect marriage of nutrition and exercise to take your fitness levels to where you want and keep it there.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Focus on your results, and work towards making yourself better, rather than feeling you are not doing enough because others seem to be ahead of you. What you are doing is shortchanging yourself when you focus on the achievement of others instead of concentrating on how to hit your mark.
Get a Training Partner
If you want to follow through on your workouts, a good way to make this happen is to train with your buddy. Both of you can set fitness milestones for each other and encourage each other to achieve those goals. You will both be accountable to yourselves, and have somebody to encourage you through the journey.
Don’t Lose Hope if You Don’t See Results
The best-laid plans often falter, and you might not see the right results even after putting your all. You may hit plateaus and peaks and many other limiting factors during your workouts, but this should not rob you of the inspiration to forge ahead. It is normal to feel like things are not working out when you start but give it some time, and you will begin to see the fruits of your workouts.
Stop Counting the Numbers
This act is quite demotivating. You put excessive pressure on yourself when you work out for the numbers, coming off the scales disappointed if you didn’t make your desired weight. Doing this will kill the joy of working out, and it won’t be exciting anymore, making it seem like a routine and a waste of time. While you so desperately want to shed some weight, it is important not to lose sight of the more important goal of an overall fitness of the whole body.
Losing weight and getting your desired body shape is not rocket science, you can still achieve your New Year resolutions by following the above tips. I’ve also listed some good programs that will put you on the right path to achieving your fitness goals.
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