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Roadmap to Weight Reduction Success

There is an old saying; If you don’t know where you are going, all roads will lead you nowhere! I speak to many people who want to reduce their weight or be in better shape and the first thing I ask them is how much do you want to reduce your weight by? The usual answer I get back is something along the lines of; Oh, I don’t know, I just want to get rid of my excess weight. or Not sure, but if I can get rid of this, […]

A New Look at Salads for Weight Loss

When most of us think of dieting, we think of salads. Often, we think of nothing but lettuce on a plate, three times a day. While it’s true that lettuce can be filling and have a satisfying crunch, the idea of a plate piled with lettuce and nothing but lettuce is a thing of the past and it’s boring! Salads can be amazingly versatile, and can come with different calorie counts. Some so high in calories that you might want to avoid certain types of salad if you want to […]

The Truth About Losing Weight on A Vegetarian Diet

It doesn’t matter what you eat, just don’t eat a lot of it. Exercise, and your weight will not be a problem. True? Not quite! There is scientific evidence that a vegetarian diet keeps that weight down, whereas meat eaters put it on. What you eat REALLY matters. You know that weight loss is an industry. A money-making industry with many claims to make: Claims of weight loss pills, herbs and juices. Claims of exercise machines and exercise programs. Claims of high-fat, low fat, no fat diets. Which work? Which […]

Start Losing Weight Today!

I’ll start my diet on Monday. How many times have you told yourself that? Right after New Years’, I swear. Tomorrow. Are you tired of hearing yourself say the same old excuses day after day, month after month, year after year? If so, listen up! Here are five things you can do to start losing weight today!   Activate.   The most important ingredient in your weight loss plan is exercise. If you think that’s a dirty word, it’s time to clean it up. Exercise is just what you do […]

Quick and Effective Weight loss

When you are looking to lose weight, the formula is simple, and it never changes. You have to burn more calories than you take in. Aside from healthy dieting, that means that high cardio exercises are your best choices. Following is a list of the best exercises that may only take fifteen to thirty minutes of your day but will give you the best burn for your time. Aerobics:This is the best form of exercise for burning a lot of calories in a short time, and one form of aerobics, […]

Biggest Weight Loss Tip for Women 40+

Have you ever joined a weight loss program with a male friend? You may have noticed that men are able to lose weight more easily than women. Unfair? I totally agree, and I am about to help you change that. Men hold a metabolic edge over women because they have more muscle, and muscles are the “workhorses” of the body for both power and burning calories.   Many women who felt slim at age 35 are still weighing the same at 45, but now consider themselves “fat”. No, it probably […]

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